Custom Query (31 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 31)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#15 fixed fvwm-2.5.30-2.puias6.x86_64 requires lockmore thomas prentice@…

Dependency error when installing in x86_64:

fvwm-2.5.30-2.puias6.x86_64 requires lockmore

I can't find a package named lockmore in my local mirror at all.


#16 fixed fvwm-2.5.30-2 requires /usr/sbin/mimeopen thomas prentice@…

Another dependency error when installing on 86_64:

fvwm-2.5.30-2.puias6.x86_64 requires /usr/bin/mimeopen.

In 5.4 - 5.6, /usr/bin/mimeopen is provided by perl-File-MimeInfo?-0.14-1.PU_IAS.5.noarch, but there is no such package for 6.


#17 fixed package group unsupported-base doesn't have a "name" thomas prentice@…

The package group with id unsupported-base does not have a "normal" name, so it just appears in the output of 'yum grouplist' as a blank line unless the -v switch is used:

# yum grouplist ... Available Groups:

Additional Development


# yum grouplist -v ... Available Groups:


Additional Development (additional-devel)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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