{{{ rpm -qp --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' i386/* i686/* | sort | uniq > rpms.i386 rpm -qp --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' x86_64/* | sort | uniq > rpms.x86_64 }}} - To check if there are rpms in a repo coming from different version of src.rpm: {{{ rpm -qp --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' * | sort|uniq | awk -F- 'BEGIN {OFS="-"} {NF=NF-2; print $0}' | uniq -d }}} or {{{ find . -name \*.rpm -exec rpm -qp --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' '{}' \; | sort|uniq | awk -F- 'BEGIN {OFS="-"} {NF=NF-2; print $0}' | uniq -d }}} - To check for obsoletes: {{{ rpm --obsoletes -qp *| perl -pi -e 's|\(none\)||g' | sort | uniq > /tmp/obsoletes.txt }}} remove all comparisons from above - ends up in /tmp/obsoletes.txt-3 {{{ ls *rpm | sort > /tmp/a.txt for i in `cat /tmp/obsoletes.txt-3`; do grep "^$i$" /tmp/a.txt ; done|sort|uniq }}} - to make sure all the debuginfo are there and only those that need to be {{{ find i386 -name \*.rpm -exec rpm -qp --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' '{}' \; |sort|uniq > /tmp/src.rpm-i386 find x86_64 -name \*.rpm -exec rpm -qp --qf '%{sourcerpm}\n' '{}' \; |sort|uniq > /tmp/src.rpm-x86_64 }}} then compare them - should be pretty similar with very few differences {{{ diff -urN /tmp/src.rpm* }}}