
List of software/Yum repositories and software locations for PUIAS 5 and how to use them.

  1. Core Operating System Repositories for PU_IAS 5
  2. Addons
  3. Unsupported

Core Operating System Repositories for PU_IAS 5

puias 5 (i386)
puias 5 (x86_64)

There are several directories under this directory that hold the different categories of install.

Client Client installation
ClientAddons Additional Supported Packages for Client installation
Cluster Cluster configuration packages
ClusterStorage Clustered filesystem support
Server Server installation
ServerAddons Additional Supported Packages for Server installation
VT Virtual Machine packages
Workstation Workstation installation
WorkstationAddons Additional supported packages for Workstation installation

A workstation in this case is a machine used for development work whereas a client is used primarily for desktop software usage.

It is recommended that you install the repository rpms for each repository you are interested in using. Each repository has a repo rpm that contains yum configuration files for the base, update, source and debuginfo directories of that repository. The version numbers will change but the package names are as follows:

  • PU_IAS-Client
  • PU_IAS-ClientAddons
  • PU_IAS-Cluster
  • PU_IAS-ClusterStorage
  • PU_IAS-Server
  • PU_IAS-ServerAddons
  • PU_IAS-Workstation
  • PU_IAS-WorkstaionAddons


The addons repositories contains rpms not shipped with core Red Hat or rpms replacing original rpms (as rebuilt from sources shipped by the Red Hat). Some examples of rpms located in this repository include xine (multimedia), firefox and thunderbird. There are addons for Client, Workstation and Server installations.


The unsupported repository contains various rpms that we have found useful but for which we cannot pledge any long term support. We may not be able to update them with new versions or even provide security updates in past versions - i.e. we might ask you to upgrade to the latest puias distribution version instead of updating software in this repository and use the latest's unsupported repository. You still might find rpms in this repository useful, e.g. you can find denyhosts (and python24 which it requires to run) which can help you with ssh scans. The repository is located at:

Last modified 15 months ago Last modified on Jul 22, 2023 3:24:18 PM