Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#28 64-bit Thunderbird doesn't search for 64-bit plugins. new thomas bug major Desktop
#30 cups-pk-helper.i686 missing from repo DB for x86_64 new thomas bug minor Desktop
#50 nfs-utils-1.2.3-15 rebuild problem new thomas bug major Server
#55 ply_pixel_buffer.c:621 new thomas bug major Desktop
#56 conflict with EPEL repository libmatroska new thomas bug major Desktop
#57 We are offering download mirror new thomas enhancement major Desktop
#73 yum update libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch error accepted thomas bug major Desktop
#78 for ARM architecture accepted thomas bug major Desktop
#88 Installation problem with fresh Python 2.7 RPM from "Computational" new thomas bug major Server
#89 repository RPMs missing new thomas bug trivial Server
#159 missing packages new thomas enhancement critical Desktop
#196 Gnome Log out and Power off new thomas bug major Desktop
#270 php 5.6 new thomas enhancement major Desktop
#271 inn-libs-2.5.2-4.puias6.x86_64.rpm segfault in new thomas bug major Desktop
#272 Springdale 7 boot.iso does not install new thomas bug major Desktop
#273 python3-sympy installation problem new thomas bug major Desktop
#276 Ticket #275 Looks Fixed (Puias 6.8 Yum update broken) new thomas bug major Desktop
#278 devtoolset-7-7.1 is missing new thomas enhancement minor Desktop
#279 repomd.xml not found for Springdale 7.7 new thomas bug major Desktop
#280 RPM files not found for 6.10 new thomas bug major Desktop
#281 Springdale rsync gone from mirrors new thomas bug major Server
#289 New mirror in china new thomas task major Server
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